viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Endangered Cultures and Languages

I think it is important to save that languages because is like the way to know about some cultures in their essences. Also some languages does not have any writting way to tell their myths and their stories wich would finish in a massive lost of some of their oral traditions. By the way some of the most acients cultures are the base of our modern civilization, and if these groups start with the progressive lost of their language then they will loose their indetity.
 A lot of our habits are strongly influenced by some acients cultures and most of them are the cultures that right now start to fail their traditions and language.

It is important to keep native acient culture, because these traditions are the bases of our actual habits. Futhermore is important to globalize our share with all the civilization, as the world citizens that we are. For that reason we are in front of a huge trouble that envolve the part of national citizens and the part of world citizens.

In conclusion, it is important to us share our culture and languages, specially the languages of our acenstors and also keep the tradition; in the other hand we need to learn about another cultures so thats why we need to get a balance when we are talking about languages and international cultures.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Litttle Facts about me


First of all, I'm going to introduce myself:
My name is Paola Andrea Anaya.

I'm 18 years old and I'm studying Electronic Engineering (This is my third semester!) at Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia.

I like the english and I hope improve a lot of things about this lenguage because it's really important learn it.

Also, I hope learn more about the cultures around the world because as cititizens of the world, we need to know about it.

Bye Bye!